Recovering hope, opening up our hearts, feeling again, relinquishing control, flowing or simply blossoming. Awakening your consciousness is the doorway to your life.

I have been toying with the idea of this new Conscious School for three years. Ever since I founded the European School of Ayahuasca, I knew I had to create a teaching model that went beyond just techniques and methods. A model that can penetrate into the rifts where shamanic medicines (no matter how powerful) have no influence as these medicines lack ego, and this virtue prevents them from accessing the labyrinths of the human mind meaning that people escape and avoid taking responsibility for themselves.

I have known thousands of people who have had experiences with countless substances, have done everything they could and travelled everywhere, and yet they are still more or less in the same place (or, in many other cases, worse). This is because they are systematically running away from confronting their own responsibility.

Human consciousness, when awakened, can reach the deepest corners of itself and of the universe without consuming any type of substance. In my case, I recognize that meditation has been the basis of the process, while Ayahuasca has been the driving impulse for everything that I am suggesting now.

Human existence is a short flash of light between two eternities of darkness. When we connect with our inner light and bind it to the outside, an infinite capacity to access the mysteries hidden behind the shadows of the unconscious is born. This blazing bolt of understanding reaches the heart and allows one to decode the inner working of all things.

I must recognize that everything I am about to propose in the training cycles of the Conscious School comes from a very concrete standpoint: MYSELF or, more precisely, my own consciousness. My consciousness is the reference point. Given that I have employed it in all my issues (which are numerous and complex), I had to create a teaching method that could be adapted to the individual reality of each student. This cannot be achieved through knowledge transference.

My first students are now the teachers that accompany me. I believe they do not yet realize that they are the ones that will be exposed on a personal level. Some clever exceptions did realize before they began, but none of them has declined the opportunity to accompany me in this crazy teaching experience where we actually do not train anyone, but adapt something that already works to the reality of each and every one of the students. For this, it is essential that we all show our vulnerabilities. It begins with me, then the teachers and finally each and every one of the students: we need to present what is happening to us in our own lives. Be honest with ourselves and transcend all self-deception.

I was on the brink of making a huge mistake when implementing the idea I had in mind for this School. People want to learn what we do at our inner evolution retreats with psychotherapeutic heterogeneous substances, so we designed a study course with subjects and workshops, in which we would teach how to work with these resources and techniques. We would give knowledge.  But then the director of the School asked for holidays (or unpaid leave), and I  went deep into myself for a few days to see. This allowed me to take an unexpected turn and leave behind the need to teach and learn, to go straight to what the slogan states: THE ART OF REMEMBERING WHAT THE SOUL ALREADY KNOWS. To remember, one does not need to teach or learn. Just awaken.

I have been meditating for 3 years on the 10 words of the slogan, and I have been experiencing them for my whole life. Now, the time has come to offer and apply them with other people who dare to go beyond the limitations of what is known; beyond intellect, knowledge and others; beyond conditionings or  ego… beyond dreaming.

The courage of being open to this proposal is the doorway to the great universal library that holds all that is known. There, nothing can be done other than opening up the heart to a complete understanding. But to enter, one has to awaken.

Alberto José Varela

[email protected]

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