Recovering trust is the hard hit of consciousness to the essence of human problems.


There is no issue or situation that is not related to the possibility of change. Therefore if we want to address the solution to any problem, or the development of any capacity we should do it from the perspective of the trust that we have in which change is possible. That it is even possible to change everything. On the other hand, from the power that conditioning has, we have to take into account the tremendous importance of distrust in sustaining the fantasy that nothing can change.

Let’s see to what extent resistance to change can endure when consciousness brings to light the complex framework in which the stagnation of the processes of evolution and healing is sustained. The word is the only tool with which I count on in this act to perform this operation.

In recent days I have received comments from some people about others in which they have said: About such and such a person… “THERE IS NO SOLUTION”, “THEY ARE NEVER GOING TO CHANGE”, “THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN BE DONE BECAUSE IT WILL END BADLY”. These affirmations arrived forcefully activating an alert in my consciousness. Although they did not move me or enter my inner core, in fact they barely caressed me internally -because I do not have this thought about others or about myself-, but I recognise that it generated interest in me to immerse myself in the possibility of experiencing, for even a moment or a few days, those kind of thoughts in order to experience how they feel from within. So I introduced that thought, as if it were a phone application that I had downloaded, in order to see how it works. In a few days I began to feel very bad, discouraged, unstable, angry, hopeless and unwilling to do anything, without direction and without trust in any person or any project. After a few days, when I removed that application I observed what happened in me; as I had used that thought transiently to make an internal emulation of how life is felt and experienced from that belief, I was able to get rid of it immediately when the experiment was over. The first thing I checked is that when you think a certain way, you attract people who also think like that as well as situations that confirm it. The second thing I saw is that the essence of that thought is destruction. At its roots there are high levels of judgement and rejection that are transformed from a disapproval: “nothing can be changed, everything will remain that way, so the only thing I can do is to criticise and destroy.” Then I went deeper and saw that deep down this thought produces a bondage to determinism. If there is nothing to do to change then everything is already predefined by a destiny that we neither know nor can change. We can only resign ourselves and suffer. It is an authentic crucifixion that inevitably condemns us to live from a place of control.


One of the most harmful beliefs for the evolution of a child is the negative idea around change that is implanted. This idea has two aspects. One is created to produce fear. The idea is implanted that change is dangerous, that if you change you will be rejected, that when you change you can lose everything, etc. Change is demonised so that the child does not ever change anything, or so that if one day they consider it, the fear of doing so will be activated. The other side of this idea is much more lethal. It is created to produce disbelief, and consists of repeating it in a thousand ways and possible ways: “change is not possible” “people do not change” “no-one can change” “there is no solution.” It is essential to distrust to sustain these two aspects of reactionary energy. Disbelief is the seed of distrust, which starts towards others and towards life but always ends up returning to the one who distrusts, distrusting themselves more and more.

Projecting the impossibility of changing in others is the annulment of one’s ability to change and trust. Every time we look at another and think: “This will never change”  we are saying to ourselves: “I will never change” “I will never trust”.

The truth is that at any moment of life you can change everything. Both externally and internally. In fact, evolution is a great internal transformation. It is the internal adaptation to external changes in order to survive; The whole environment is constantly changing and therefore we must constantly change to be in accordance with what situations demand of us. But these changes are made so naturally that we do not even realise it. In fact, when I finish writing this article, I will be someone who started writing a few hours before. It takes 4 to 6 hours to write an article of two to three pages, but the process of writing confronts me and encourages me to make changes within myself, because if I do not, I can not get across what I want to communicate. Life is in itself a process of changes; we grow, we age and we change infinite things about our body. But the ideas that have been implanted in our mind do not change, as if they were untouchable. They are installed there with their original purity and without having made any change. The only idea I have detected implanted in children which changes and evolves, becoming stronger and more resistant, is the idea that change is not possible. This idea is developed by acquiring more consistency and strength, which is why it has more and more arguments to prove it. In order to sustain it, it is fundamental to distrust and live in control. The moment we trust and allow everything to flow, the change begins to act naturally. In reality, distrust is pure control, and to trust is to let go of control.

The idea that can not be changed is refined, until it reaches a point that, in order to not seem so obvious, it is selectively oriented outward, addressing some people who seem to have no solution, as if there were people who have problems that can not be resolved, or have a temperament or character or way of being that can not change. The one who issues this sentence is projecting a secret desire in the other because at some point they reject it. If you were to accept another person, you would not want to change them in the first place; and secondly, you would support them and help them make the changes proposed to them. In fact, the idea of the impossibility of change is not projected, but rather the rejection of that person. Keep in mind that all traumas are guided by rejection, arise from rejection and end in rejection. Therefore, what we reject can not and should not change, because if it changes we run the risk of having to accept it. Distrusting their ability to change, we punish them by condemning them with the sentence: “YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO CHANGE”. Rejection is assured.

We reject black people, immigrants, politicians, fat people, white people, the sick, the ignorant, the poor, the weak, those who have sexuality outside of the “norm” , men or women, and especially those who are different from us. And with any kind of rejection we are showing that the wound of rejection is alive in us. The most buried way that rejection has of directing a person’s life is through distrust, and this in turn must be transformed into disbelief towards all kinds of possible changes. Rejection, disbelief and distrust are a powerful society at the service of psychological illness.

We are facing one of the most profound issues that concern human healing. And it is the most delicate and complex issue that we address in our Conscious School.

“I DO NOT WANT TO CHANGE BUT I WOULD LIKE MY LIFE TO CHANGE.” Not wanting to change something is one of the most widespread pathologies in the world, but behind that unhealthy idea is the burning desire for everything to change because we are tired of always living the same or continuing suffering for the same reasons. Not wanting to change is to be identified with the idea that it is not possible to change. To want life to change is to express in some way what the soul longs to be able to manifest. Trapped in wanting and not wanting to change we enter a blockade that does not allow us to move and in which guilt and self-punishment are activated.

“I CAN NOT CHANGE BUT I WOULD LOVE EVERYTHING TO CHANGE”. Ensuring that you can not change is one of the most destructive projections of conditioning. In order to ensure that change is not possible, a very sophisticated programme installed in the mind has to be built that completely denies the evidence that everything is changing. This programme comes from childhood, from parents and society, because if the idea of change was supported, generations  that would change everything would emerge.

At this point of resistance to change it is necessary to carry out two basic transformations in order to continue the possible path of change. One is to change the idea that you can not change, and another is to change the idea of not wanting to change. The change of the two fundamental ideas that stop the internal evolution of the human being are the two most complicated changes to make, because the belief of no change is deeply rooted in the mind and protected by all kinds of resistances.

It is exciting to see and to verify in oneself and others that change is possible. That what damages you or makes you suffer can be demolished by the powerful effect of a consciousness that opens to comprehension. When the heart opens, love flows and then everything begins to magically transform. It is the experience most similar to what we call a miracle. It is to be able to verify that the impossible was not impossible but that it was an apparent perception created by distrust, a moment of unconsciousness, nothing else. Because when this healing energy of transformation arises, it can be seen that everything is authentically possible. It is living in the miracle.

To each one of the almost 200 collaborators of Inner Mastery, to the students of our schools and to all the participants to retreats, I invite them to live there; it is the blessed glory, the most precious paradise that we can know in this life.

Alberto José Varela

[email protected]

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